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#MyBest #Recipe and #Dish >><< Best Way to #Cook #Corn on the Cob

#MyBestRecipeandDish >><< Best Way to Cook Corn on the Cob

Delicious, this food is super delicious. all flavors are mixed together. The texture and taste are very distinctive. And every spice makes us tempted to eat it. And of course, this is healthy for our body

We don't need to buy it at a restaurant or other eating places. Because, we can make it ourselves at home, and we can adjust it according to our tastes.

This is suitable for all ages. So what are you waiting for? Try it yourself at home and feel the delicacy of this food, Good luck


  • 6-8 ears of corn, husks, and silks removed and cut in half (if desired)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 stick Challenge butter


  1. Fill a large pot about halfway with water. 
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Add milk and butter. Add corn and reduce heat. 
  4. Simmer corn for 6 to 8 minutes. 
  5. Remove corn from cooking liquid and its ready to serve.

Thank you for visiting my website, good luck and enjoy it

Click ==> Original recipe here :
